Babies Families Kids and Teens

Outdoor Family Photography – North Dakota Photographer

I can’t even begin to say how good it felt to get out of the studio and do a location shoot!  It was like an awakening.  I don’t think I ever appreciated the seasons like I do now.  In CA the weather is so much more constant without the cold cold that keeps us  indoors for so long here.  So, as much as I love (and feel very fortunate to have)having a great studio to work in, it is wonderful to step out into the great outdoors when the weather warms up again.

So, we were at this family’s farm.  Everywhere I looked I saw photo opportunities.  Their old barn was absolutely amazing.  Those red doors are original and if you look closely, you can see the ornate  stamping on them.  Incredible.  I hope I get to meet up with Megan again  when its her turn for senior photos !

These kids were all full of sugar and spice.  Sweet and energetic.  They probably felt as good to be outside as I did!  You have to be quick with kids though….those little expressions change in a blink.  I think we all had some fun and ended up with some colorful and meaningful portraits of the 5 cousins.

And I sit here writing this while the rain is pouring down and we’re under tornado watch …. I’m feeling kind of  bummed that tonight’s outdoor family shoot had to be rescheduled.  Can hardly wait until next week and the weather better be good!  


  1. Love these outdoor images. You really have an eye for natural light and what awesome colors!

  2. wow! LOVE baby in a basket outside!

  3. Love these..what a great location. Beautiful images of all those cousins

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