Babies Families

Outdoor Birthday Baby- ND Children’s Photography

Family farm baby photos
Location Baby Photography

Little L isn’t so little anymore.  He’s turning into a little boy right before out eyes and looking more and more like his daddy!  We spent the morning at their farm for his one year old birthday photos.  Of course I’ll make the trip to a special place for photos.  It makes the images more personal and it challenges and inspires me.  It was the perfect place for it!  Lots of interesting backgrounds and textures for outdoor photos – even if it was a tad windy.  Well, it’s North Dakota, afterall.   A little wind won’t keep us inside! 

Birthday outdoor baby photography
Outdoor location baby pictures


  1. Beautiful Vibrant colors. Great captures!

  2. Love your colors and the images you captured of this cutie!

  3. I love the location, and his outfit is perfect! He is too cute for words!

  4. We’ve been batling wind here in CO as well! So cute and you’re right the setting couldn’t be more perfect!

  5. Wow, such fun and colorful images!

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