Babies Families Newborns

Outdoor Baby Photos: North Dakota location baby photography

Boy, was it time to get outside.  It was a gorgeous morning – too good to spend all of our time with Mr. R in the studio.  So, we jumped out to the alley and let him model for his 9 month photos  out there.  I love taking babies outside, watching them explore and experience new sensations.  This spot is always popular with the seniors, but now I”m loving it with my littlest  friends, too!

Location baby photography
Outdoor baby photography


  1. LOVE that wall! The color and texture are great for both seniors AND babies! So cute!

  2. Love, love, love these! He just too adorable for words!

  3. So sweet! I love that they are outdoors!

  4. Urban baby! These are wonderful. You are so creative. I love it that you took him outside.

  5. Beautiful portraits of a handsome little man – I love his expressive face! I always love your alley!

  6. SO urban! I love it. You sure have an eye for capturing a variety of looks with your subjects. VERY nice!

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