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Lip Tips for the Bride to Be

You are going to be all smiles on your wedding day (or for engagement photos) , so one of my top tips for beautiful bridal portraits is to make sure that your lips are photo ready!

That doesn’t mean you have to go overboard on the lipstick, but it does mean that they should not be dry and cracked.  That just isn’t pretty.  So for great lips framing that gorgeous smile, these first three are essential:

  1.  Exfoliate – yes you can exfoliate your lips, just be gentle!  Try Satin Lips by Mary Kay.  Or for a quick fix at the last minute, mix together a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of sugar and apply to lips in a gentle circular motion.
  2. Moisturize Daily – at least a week  before your big day, start being diligent about applying moisturizer to your lips.  Your lips are exposed everyday to all kinds of things that can dry them out – sun, wind, air pollution, medications, etc.  To make sure they are photo ready, keep applying that lip balm!  Key ingredients to look for are coconut butter or oil, shea butter and Vitamin E oil
  3. Sun Protection – just like your skin, your lips need protection from the sun!  Burned, blistered or cracked lips just won’t do for wedding pictures!  Choose a balm with a minimum SPF of 15, even in the winter.

Everybody can follow those basics, but let’s take it a few steps further and really enhance your lips for picture perfection!

  1.  Tinted Balm is an excellent choice for those who want a hint of color but don’t want to use a traditional lipstick.  Its great way to enhance your natural lip color, add moisture and even a bit of shine.  Perfect for the more natural look in your photos! 
  2. Enhance the Shape of your lips with liner.  Choose a color that matches your choice in lip color you want to use.  Carefully outline your lip before applying lip stick.  You can even change the shape of your lips slightly by tracing slightly outside your lip line.  When you fill in with color, nobody will be able to tell.  Add gloss for the finishing touch.
  3. Be careful of the “Nude Lip Look”.  Its on trend and looks great in real life.  In photos, though, you don’t want you lips to look ghost like.   A nude lip should never be matte, but always have a little sheen or gloss.  Look for a color that is just a shade deeper than your natural lip color to ensure your lips don’t just disappear under the harsh studio lights.  This is a great article with tips on successfully creating the nude lip look – Click Here

My final tip – step out of your comfort zone and try some color!  It can really help create some dramatic fun photos…something a little different and fun for your engagement or bridal portraits!

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