Senior Photographer Hazen North Dakota
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Hazen Senior Girl | Hazen Senior Photographer

Makena, her mom and I had a really really fun evening together!  These two are full of energy and ideas and have such a great mother daughter relationship – they truly enjoy each other’s company, I believe.  But the night really was all about Makena and her senior pictures!  Makena came with a boat load of cute outfits, a pile of books and the cutest wiener dog ever!  After a little time in the studio, we headed out and hit up some favorite spots around town, but the best part of the evening was when we finished up at her Grandpa’s place!  Makena has a quiet spirit, but under that sweet smile is a heart of gold and I got to see that – especially at Grandpa’s.  The train tressel,  wagon wheel, and the awesome old car were perfection for backgrounds!  The most special, though, was the old barn and the tree.  That tree was planted there when Makena was born, in honor of her!  And look how they have both grown, and thrived!  Kinda gives me chills.

Makena is involved in a variety of activities, and groups and is a special advocate for CCA Kids – Children’s Cranialfacial Association.  She herself, has had quite a journey (a little about Makena and the cutest little girl picture) and has since dedicated her time and efforts to help children and families who share similar experiences.  She even co-hosted a fund raising and awareness event here in Hazen and was featured on the CCA Kids Blog!

Makena plans on continuing her education and studying radiologic technology!

2020 Seniors – Its Your Turn! See what a senior session is like HERE:  You Will Love How You Look!

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Talk or Text:  701-748-5656


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