Kids and Teens Seniors

Beulah Senior Pictures 2014

Doesn’t Jordan have the most gorgeous hair?  It was one of the first things I noticed about her!  People pay big bucks for hair color like that!  So, of course, I wanted to find ways to emphasize her beautiful red hair – back light, the perfect fall setting, and complimentary clothing colors, which she already had a great sense of.   Senior pictures are so fun and unique because each person is unique.  Sometimes its a really vibrant hair color that really jumps out and sometimes its a soft smile, that we kind of discover along the way.  Finding the uniqueness in each person, and showing it off is so important and I try so hard to make sure that each person shines through in their senior photos.  We scheduled Jordan’s senior photo session later in the evening, knowing we would be ending after dark, so we could do some really fun night photos. 

Are you looking for a photographer for your 2014 senior pictures?

Feel free to give me a call or email to ask as many questions as you like, or to discuss your own ideas for senior pictures.

And when you book a senior photos session with me you will receive a custom website put together just for you with all the information you need to make your senior portrait session a success.  It includes information regarding clothing choices, makeup hints, and much more to help you prepare for your senior pictures and make the most of your day.



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