Congrats to the Class of 2010! And a special thanks to all my great seniors and their families! Thank you for an amazing year. I love working with the seniors – they keep me young and inspired and energetic…well, at least I hope a little of that youth and energy […]
Author: Justine
Happy Birthday, Dakota! I sure hope the teen years are some of the best of your life. I had fun with your photos, jumping, dancing, twirling and laughing. It is just what a teen should is all about! 13 is a great time for a professional photo session. Doesn’t it […]
The most adorable Twins – Hazen, ND Newborn Photography
Thank you soooo much Melissa for bringing your precious baby boys all the way to Hazen. I had the most amazing time with them….and you…and your daughter and mom and sister-in-law. LOL. These are just a few that I pulled out immediately to look at, but there are so many […]
Dog Photography
Yes, we do pet photography! Our pets are members of our families, so why shouldn’t we have beuatiful and fun portraits to remember them by forever? Lucy and Buster were fantastic and aren’t their little doggie expressions just priceless? Just bring some treats and some patience!
NorthStars PeeWees Hockey
Yes, I’ll admit I was a little nervous after telling the team they should bring their sticks into the studio. (14) 12 and 13 year old boys in a small space, expensive equipment with hockey sticks? Might not have been a good idea. They were LOUD but they were well […]