Medora Wedding Photographerr

Medora Engagement Session | North Dakota Wedding Photographer

It took us a couple of tries to find a good day for Layne and Cody in Medora. Spring still wasn’t quite here, the grass had a just tinge of green and the wind was whipping (of course), but the photos turned out gorgeous! We just needed a couple of more sheltered areas, and a few little tricks to beat the wind, and presto! Beautiful engagement pictures! I really loved that we could find a spot, I could give these two a few little posing tips and then they could look at each other and those genuine moments just naturally spilled out. I am already imagining the what their wedding day is going to be like!

Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Pictures
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture
Medora Engagement Picture

A few weekends Summer of 2019 are still available –

Click here to read more about what you can expect should we spend your wedding day together!


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