
5 Top Tips for Great Senior Pictures

Tips for Great Senior PicturesYou know the basics for preparing for your senior pictures….gather up some cute clothes, do your hair and make-up and go.  Here are some great tips for beyond the basics to help ensure that your photos are flawlessly you!

1.  Really start being consistent with your skin care routine!  Yes, I will edit your proofs and take care of any pesky surprise break-outs.  That’s no problem at all!  But to really have that beautiful natural glow, start taking good care of your skin now.  Its easy to hop into bed without washing your face (I’m guilty of this, too), especially when its been a long day, but that simple step really does make a difference in your skin tone, texture and diminishing of breakouts.  And be super careful about your sun exposure!  As much as Photoshop can do, “fixing” sun burned and/or peeling skin just does not end up looking natural.  Use your sun screen!

Senior Pictures Close-UpSenior Pictures in Bismarck ND

2.  Get good sleep!  Whether is fun summer nights with friends or late night study sessions, I know you teenagers are night owls!  But be sure to get in those hours of sleep – at least for a few days before your session.  Good sleep will ensure bright eyes, great skin, and abundant energy and it will all be obvious in your photos!

Senior Pictures in the SnowSenior Photographer in BismarckOutdoor senior pictures outfits


3.  Shop your own closet.  Shopping is fun for most of us but there is no need to go out and splurge on a new wardrobe for senior pictures.  In fact, you especially don’t want to go buy a bunch of trendy outfits that just aren’t you.  Look through your own closet and pick out your favorite pieces – your know, the ones that you love, your “go-to” pieces that you know you look great in and make you feel beautiful and confident!  Bring in separates and accessory pieces and I can help you mix and match.  Having a new set of eyes  may just help you put those favorite pieces together in a new way.  Shop your closet first, lay out some outfits, and see where there are gaps – maybe you do need a new fresh white top, a classic dress, or a new statement accessory piece – then go shopping.

Senior Pictures in Bismarck NDSenior girl in AlleySenior Boy Poses




4.  Practice your smile.  It feels ridiculous to stand in front of the mirror and smile, but close the door and do it.  When we step in front of the camera, suddenly smiling can seem like the strangest thing in the world, like we are just stretching our muscles across our face.  Get in front of the mirror, smile, and “feel what looks good”.  You’ll understand what I mean when you give it a try.  Try different types of smiles,  wide open laughing smile, little closed lips soft smiles, sideways flirty smirks, serious looks with no smile at all.  Add in some eyes and eyebrows and suddenly you have a huge variety of facial expressions.  Then try to remember what those muscle movements felt like.  Of course, I will guide you in each situation and pose so you will have a some really fun photos that don’t all look the same!

Senior Boy with big smile

Senior Girls laughingSenior Girl in Snow



5.  Ask questions.  Don’t be afraid to ask me a ton of questions or share your own ideas about what you want for your senior pictures session!  Call, email or Facebook message.  I want your senior portrait session to be comfortable, fun and memorable!  Ask anything from advice about make-up and clothes, to your outdoor location ideas, and anything else that might pop into your head.

Senior Girls Pose at Heritage CenterFall senior pictures

When you book your senior session with Natural Impressions: Photography by Justine you will receive a complete guide to preparing for your session so you will look and feel great! 

2017 Senior Session are filling fast for this summer and fall.  Call now to reserve your preferred time an date.  701-748-5656

Email or call for more information


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