
Senior Photos in Bismarck – City Session

On the way to taking Delanie down to Fargo for Governor’s School, we took a little detour through Bismarck to do some senior style photos in the city.  I wanted to check out a few places, see what the light was like and where I wanted to go.  The capital grounds were our first stop on our “senior photo shoot”.   The manicured lawns, trees and flowers are beautiful there, though that is not what I wanted to focus on that day.  I have used the library building many times for weddings and the photos are always beautiful there.  It’s just such a great spot with the steps, heavy doors and, of course, the columns.   Then we headed into the older downtown Bismarck area.  As we drove around, I spotted a street I liked with brick, carved moldings, and flower pots.  So we hopped out there are took a few photos.  Then we walked around and enjoyed the cute unique shops and took advantage of the that downtown feeling.  Unfortunately, we were quickly running out of time and needed to continue on to Fargo, but I still have plenty of ideas running around in my head for more Bismarck city senior pictures!  

I have visions of really trendy outfits for the downtown area.  Lots of textures and accessories and really cool shoes – and maybe some fun hats!  This is a chance to really play up your style and individuality and have some fun with your outfits.  Even go a little outside your comfort zone!  Bismarck has some great spots for senior pictures – the capital, downtown, and by the river.  And I bet you have seen some great places around town.  When you are there, keep your eyes open – this is a chance to really do something different and make your senior photo shoot all  your own!

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Feel free to call or email for information and complete pricing guides for our

Senior Photos Sessions, Senior Photo Packages and Pricing, City Sessions and Night Lights Sessions.


  1. The lighting and clarity of these portraits are amazing! Love the idea of going to Bismarck for senior photos.

  2. JUSTINE! These are incredible…truly awesome portrait work from a first rate photographer.

  3. I love the magazine style look to these shots. Your posing is fabulous. So contemporary!

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