A Quick Tip to help you look great in your photos!
Well, we’ve talked a bit about the fundamentals of posing in front of the camera and how to look natural in your photos.
Walking may not seem like a big deal…it’s natural too, right? But there is one great tip that will really improve how you look in your photos!

Remember when I talked about weight distribution in the How to Pose post? Well, this is kind of related. If you walk like you normally do, you could end up looking a bit like a penguin in your photos. So, try this tip to help keep you positioned correctly for a camera lens!
BONUS: It will also keep your legs looking slim!
Imagine a line drawn straight out in front of you…like a balance beam. Then pretend to walk on just that.

Yes it may feel weird and awkward.
But, This will change the weight distribution in your hips making it look much more flattering in the portrait. And your legs will cross in front of you as you take each step, creating a flattering slimming look!

Don’t forget – engagement pictures are all about fun and getting to know each other in front of the camera…as well as getting to know your photographer before the Big Day! Have fun, don’t stress, and trust your photographer to help you look your very best!