The Foundations of Posing for Couples
Sadly, nearly 40% of brides say they are not quite happy with how they look in their wedding photos. Why? Many times it comes down to how they are posed! Posing for a camera is an ART and a science. Unfortunately, there are many photographers who do not understand this and do not understand the human body, how it moves and how it looks in front of a camera lens. While striving for the “natural” look, they actually do the bride and groom a disservice because basic photographic techniques are not employed. So, here are a few tips to show you how to look great in your photos!
Of course, I love to have the couple to look as natural as possible, and get all those beautiful candid looks! But it takes a some technical posing know how! By starting with a little artful posing, making sure that feet, hips, hands and heads are all in the best positions, and then capturing the couple in unplanned interactions, we end up with the best of both worlds and those gorgeous photos that brides and grooms crave.
Below are some tips to help you learn some of the basics of posing so you will look your very best for your engagement and wedding photos!
Posture – Good posture is key, so start with a straight spine, but not stiff and unnatural. I often ask couples to stand as if a string is coming out of the top of their heads and pulling up towards the sky – but its the back we are pulling straight, not necessarily the chin and head. Try to keep a little natural curve in the bottom of your spine in the lumbar region.

Shoulders – I often find that people tend to hold their tension in the shoulders. So, try to to remember to push the shoulders down and back a tad, elongating the neck.

Legs – Weight should be un-evenly distributed between your legs…that means either cross your legs or put more weight onto the back leg. An easy way to remember this is for the ladies to bend the knee that is closest to the camera.

Hands and Arms – this is where a little artistry comes in, as well as knowing some tricks to slimming upper arms and making hands looking graceful. Try not to press your arms against your body, leaving a teeny tiny little space. Keep hands soft with a little curvature to your fingers. When standing with the groom’s arm around the bride’s waist, he should try to hide his hand from the camera, rather than having fingers poking around from the side. Often his hand can end up looking giant on a woman’s small waist. LOL

Eyes – Again, knowing the technical use of the camera and posing techniques blended with some artistry is when photos become unforgettable! When a photographer asks you to look down, just lower the eyelids, don’t actually close the eyes. Or when asked to look away, look just over the photographer’s shoulder, not way off to the side, exposing too much of the whites of your eyes.

A knowledgeable photographer that understands the body, how it moves and how it photographs is essential to great engagement and wedding photos! I love directing couples into flattering poses, paying special attention to all the little details, from weight distribution to using the eyes! A little direction, a friendly tweak and prompt, a little chit chat and the magic starts to happen – but it all begins with the essential foundations of posing!

One last tip – you may feel ridiculous, but practice these tips and tricks in front of a mirror! And you can even practice in front of a mirror in your engagement outfits or wedding gown – then you will get an idea of what really looks best.
I hope you have a super fun engagement shoot and a wonderful wedding day! And feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions at all!
Talk or Text – 701-748-5656 or contact me HERE